My talents lie in converting a brand into the digital world. 

I’ll blame it on the internet. I’ll blame it on the iPhones and the Instagrams. My generation is made of these pixelated spaces, and my creative work is a product of them. I can proudly say that my best professional relationships have come through these digital mediums, and I continue to make my best connections through them.

And so I’d like to think my work is destined for these digital corners; ideas, concepts and entire designs translated into website and app design, image-driven editorials for publications, and successful social media marketing campaigns, visual strategies for the companies that want designs and images as good as their businesses, their products and their writing.  

My work could look like a complete digital rebrand: a website and app redesign, complete with photography content to populate this and social media. 

I let my clients dream in real life and I design, capture, and create the rest. I’m currently available for remote work.

My name is Cheyanne Paredes. I’ve lived and studied in Arizona, and also in Italy and Brazil. I’m passionate about travel, and often find myself in a spin class or at the newest restaurant or bar. I’m a UX/UI designer, professional photographer, and lifestyle content producer - a digital creator.

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